"Highly recommended Technics deck for the Hi Fi enthusiasts."
This is a Technics high end deck with superb quality which will amazes everyone.
Equipped with "ATC" ( Auto Tape Calibration )The unit performs a 1 minute recording test of : Record level, Bias & EQ sensitivity before recording to ensure maximum output quality of various cassette types. Dolby HX Pro & Dolby B-C NR will enhance quality further.
The deck features an advanced transport mechanism that delivers high speed FF/RW, Auto music search & direct operations that closes the tape holders automatically & minimize button pressing, thanks to a dual motors design.
This model can record at extreme high levels when used with an equalizer to adjust frequency parameters. Few recording experiments should be tried out.
This is a luxurious model to be proud of in all categories. it's expensive price stands for quality & value that exceeds any expectations.
Technics at it's best.
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