By: Manta
20th Jul 2009
 "An absoulte joy to own"
Powerful, controlled, energetic, enthralling, engaging, I just know at some point I will have to turn the Hi-Fi off and either go to work or sleep but it's very difficult to tear yourself away from these speakers.
The unusual design of the tweeter being mounted in the middle of the drive unit makes the music blend perfectly and the bass is powerful but never out of control. The top end is crisp and revealing, never harsh or compressed and although they don't produced the warmest sound they certainly aren't over bright or weak in the bass section as the bass can be felt as well as heard. The sound stage is truly immense and everything is beautifully controlled without lacking any impact. Replay your music collection and no matter how well you know the tracks I can guarantee that you will hear things in the recording that you haven't heard before. Once you sit and listen to the sound and detail that these speakers reproduce it's very hard to stop.
I heard a lot of good things about these speakers before buying them but it's not until you actually get them home and plug them in to your kit that you realize just what an amazing sound, no, experience they can deliver. An absolute joy to own.
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